Bob Langford

Bob Langford has always had an interest in wood and became a hobbyist wood turner. Before he retired in 2000 he purchased a DVR 3000 wood lathe and upgraded his range of tools and accessories.

Once retired, he turned his energy to full time wood turning, supplying a tourist outlet north of Kaitaia.

In 2002 Bob and his wife moved to Whangarei where he joined the Northland Woodworkers and Woodturners Club. Bob has been on the executive of the club since he joined, and has been president for 6 years. In 2010 he joined the Quarry Craft Co-op where a range of his work is on display.

​Although he turns mainly in N.Z. kauri and swamp kauri he enjoys working with a wide variety of native and exotic woods. During the past 16 years he has used a number of different wood finishes. He is currently using a locally produced cream which he finds highlights the natural features in his turned pieces. The time taken in achieving a quality finish is of utmost importance to him.

Bob is constantly researching and he enjoys visiting other turners and galleries. He finds the sharing of ideas and techniques very rewarding.​

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