Jos Polman

Jos has been weaving for 35 years and has woven hundreds of pieces. During the last few years he has started to develop his designing skills. Patterns, structures and colours, mostly natural yarns such as cotton, wool, silk and bamboo, together allow for endless possibilities. 

Pieces need to be fit for purpose. Pieces need to be able to cleaned and they need to be comfortable if worn. All these different aspects need to be taken into consideration.

He loves the process of creating something starting with an abstract idea, narrowing it down to meet its function in life, choosing the most suitable yarns and colours and executing via design, with the help of a computer, and creating it with the loom.

The learning process, as it takes place over time, is as much about learning new skills and designs as learning about oneself. There are meditative aspects to weaving. 

It is this process and the ongoing hunger to learn more that motivates Jos time and time again.

Learning and weaving have become a bit of a good and rewarding obsession.  Seeing people wearing his creations is further encouragement. 


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