Amie Redpath

Amie Redpath

Amie Redpath As a nature lover and rock gatherer from an early age, Amie Redpath, of Ngai Tahu and European descent, began her exploration with rock carving in 2011. Back then she crafted a simple mortar and pestle from rocks she collected from the beach out on Great...
Anna Scott Davidson

Anna Scott Davidson

Anna Scott Davidson TeWai Evolution Art was developed to show case my passion… I work from the inspiration I gain from living life, from everyday experiences and happenings. I show my vision thru my use of ceramics mostly. I have utilized other mediums to highlight my...
Betsie Lombard

Betsie Lombard

Betsie Lombard Betsie was born in Swaziland and raised in Swaziland and South Africa. She has loved making things since forming her first rudimentary coil pots as a young child. Her life has taken many twists and turns since then and after an intense professional...
Jeanette King

Jeanette King

Jeanette King My first recollection of ‘doing pottery’ was at the age of 8 paddling in a stream and making ash trays and little bowls from lumps of clay lying beneath my feet.  Later I took pottery classes, culminating in full time study for a Bachelor of Arts in...
Kerry Hannam

Kerry Hannam

Kerry Hannam Pataua South by the Beach -KjHM Pottery Pottery made while keeping the surrounding flora and beach life in mind. Creating tasteful pottery for the table and home. Unique in shape, form and colour to bring pleasure through its existence. click on a...